Monday, August 18, 2014

I just plan forgot...

You know when you excited about blogging so you start a blog... Then slowly it dies down you have forgot about your blog. Yeah that's my blog!! Id like to think i can keep up with a blog, but i can't if well im trying to keep up with all the other things in my life.. Or maybe its that i just plan forget get. Im going to get better at it, i promise. Last time i was blogging i was really into couponing. Well since we have changed the way we eat and well moved to Alaska, the coupons just plan suck here!! I have gotten really good at price comparing and shopping at different stores. Since moving to the great big-o state of Alaska all we can think about is leaving when our 3 years is up. I don't know what is it about this place but i haven't been digging it all that much. Winter is just a month or two away and well i can't say im looking forward to the snow, the icy roads or shoveling the drive every dang day. The winter is around 8 months here with lots of darkness and cold. Im from Az i like it hot and a lot of sun in my life. Id go back to Washington in a heart beat along with all its rain and winter gloom. But its not gonna happen, so we will make the best of this situation. My girls will be in school here in the next couple days. So what im trying to say is im going to have a little bit of free time and ill try to keep up... Thanks for stopping by!