Saturday, August 14, 2010

8 months down 4 to go.

Wow we've made it this far??? Am i proud of us? heck yes i am. But i really can't wait for to all be over. I'm really hoping (fingers crossed) that we get to stay here in AZ. It'd be nice for the girls to be around family plus we both love AZ. I'm just waiting for the word that its happening and i can go look at houses to rent. I love staying here with my mom and dad, but i also cant wait to get the hell out of there house. We may have to wait for school and orders before we could get all our stuff from ga. But hey i dont mind shopping for new stuff ;).... So im just waiting to hear back from all of that to see whats the nexts step in our lifes...

We just had an awesome r&r, the girls loved seeing there daddy and so did i!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010