Sunday, October 11, 2009

blogger give away!

Check out this give away! Super bag..

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Is this month getting longer or is it just me?

Why did i count the days? there's 25 days left by the way... Why is that when the hubs gets back i get him for a month and then its off for 12months. None of this has hit me, its just something i keep thinking about. I'm not even sure if it bugs me yet, its going to get really real when i have to pack the rest of my stuff up and store it. Or maybe it will hit me on the way back home or at the airport when i have to say goodbye for a year in a moment in the airport lobby as i see my husband walk away. Don't you hate going to the airport to drop people off? i know i do.. I stand there watching them walk away thinking damn i didn't get enough time and i just want one more hug. I love the part when they come in to the airport, there always lots of waiting and looking out the windows. Until you see them and all you wanna do is take off running. But in my case i let the babies run 1st, i love watching the looks on there face and his.

Wow it just started raining out of know where and it is so loud... Not that i would be going anywhere, i hate going places in the rain with the kids. Yesterday i had a WIC appt at 8am and had to get up the girls at 7 and feed and dress them. Getting my big one up is no fun when shes not ready to get up. Everything moves so slow i have to keep telling her we have to go eat. Then when we did get out of the house finally it was raining. We get to the WIC office and its still raining, so i get both kids out and try and run inside but then i have a grumpy kids that wants to drag her feet. We get inside its an hour before I'm seen, when i am finally seen they have new paper work that the doctor has to fill out so you can get baby food. So of course i go to doctors so i can get this paper filled out. The baby just had an appt the week before and wouldn't being going back for awhile. So anyways i get the paper filled out and go back and have to wait 2 hours, let me tell there is so many people in there. I think i got lucky that the baby wasn't crying and nene wanted to sit on my lap the whole time. Let me tell you what i think of this WIC office besides it being to small and not having enough workers. It always has so many people in there and no one can move and there is nasty kids everywhere. I'm sorry but i don't let me kid go up to peoples babies and touch them, so i would think that people would do the same. I don't want other peoples kids touching my baby with there nasty hands.... I just sit there and watch them all do what they want while there parents just sit there and of course I'm not going to say anything to someones kid so i just sit hoping there mom say something. After sitting 2 hours i got up and asked if i was seeing someone again or if they forgot about me? Finally after 3 and half hours i get all my paper work and head home. By this time i just wanna go home and not go out again for the rest of the day. But i had to go out again and get baby food and pampers, I'm just glad it had stopped raining. Oh yeah the reason i was writing about WIC was to say you get baby food on it now. Along with fresh fruit bread and and couple others. Ok im done going on and on....

Im going to go play with the kids now, gotta find something to do when sitting inside all day....

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Last nights good byes for a month....

This is a 1st family picture, it been a long time waiting. We took some pictures before we had to drop daddy off for a month...

The daddy and his girls

Mommy and Daddy

Daddy and addi...

Daddy and nene!

Last night was the last time i will see my husband for a month.... We took daddy up to troop around 6:30 and got to hang out for about 2 and half hours. The girls love seeing everyone and nene loved talking to everyone ( no stopping that kid). This is going to be a long month, of being lonely and having no one to talk to. When i left last night i didn't cry but i catch myself today feeling like i really need to, im getting all that pressure in my head. I need myself a good cry, but took some meds instead for the throbbing pains... But i did wake up to a very nice text message saying how much i was missed already. Made me miss him way more!!! Day one down only the whole month to go :(..............

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

5 Days in counting...

I think this training is getting to both of us. He's started thinking about being gone for a month and its stressing him out. Stressing the both of us out..... I'm so tired all the time and been feeling like crap and so has nevaeh, she has had a fever the past day or so. Today nothing so far, I'm just hoping it doesn't turn into anything big where we have to go sit at the er for 10hours just to get seen. The baby got her 1st half of her flu shot and so far so good. The doctor was telling me that i could do a walk in for my old one and I'm not sure if i wanna go or not. But it needs to be done sooner or later, i just hate the kids being sick. Makes me crazy i can't stand it and I'm worrying so much that i makes myself feel sick too. I'm not sure how many times i woke up last night because i thought the girls needed me. The baby was just turning every 5Min's waking herself up and i was just hearing things when i thought i was hearing nene.

I was telling The hubs I'm sure i will sit inside for 3 weeks, till my sister gets here. he's just worried about me getting some stuff done before he gets back. Ill i can say is i don't wanna do it by myself and it turns into something big, he don't want to come home from a month of training then have to help me pack and have yard sale. Well guess what I'm not doing i all by myself, he's making me feel like shit for wanting him to help me. Yes i know he will be back from a month of training and well its not my stuff its our stuff, I will do some but not all. I don't even know where start, we have so much stuff. I'm pulling my hair out over nothing i bet just need to let everything fall in to place. Because right now all i can think about is taking a nap, when there is all kinds of stuff i should be doing. But hey i gotta take care of the little ones that don't ever let me get anything done now days.

The baby goes to a skin appt with a new doctor tomorrow, fingers crossed it goes good!

(The appt went great and her skin is looking great!)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Gone for the month!

Oct 3rd The hubs will be gone the whole month, for training... Time is going way to fast and it don't feel real. I mean i don't feel like he's really going back over there in about 2 months. I must be out of my mind to do this all over again right? But i know i can do this, what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger (Right?). So we finally got our leave dates Nov 21st to DEC 6th, thanks for not telling us a week sooner. Now we have to go to us airlines and have them change the dates on the tickets from the 4th to the 6th. Good thing its free with orders to changes the dates or we'd have to pay 150! < --- no thanks!

I'd have to say the only good thing about Oct is my sister coming. She left her car with me well her and her boyfriend moved to the virgin island. She'll be coming to get it, drive it to port and ship it over. I'll have her for a whole 12 days, i can't wait. Will be taking the girl to the pumpkins patch..

I'm starting to think that my husband thinks I'm going to be doing all the packing. He hasn't asked about packing again and we haven't packed anything since we packed all the stuff on the walls. I hope he knows ill be waiting till he gets back to do it then if that's the case. We still need to have a yard sale, he makes it sound like if we don't do it by tomorrow ill be doing it myself when my sisters here. There is still so much to do and everyone has been having BBQ so nothing is getting done. We need to talk about it all this last week, because when he get back Oct 31st will be here 3 weeks and all kinds of stuff needs to be done.

ahhhhh i just keep telling myself everything will be get done, take it all one day at a time!


I found a blogger that makes super cute clutch wallets and bags.... Here's a link to a gave a way she doing!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sea world!

So this weekend we went to sea world and i'll have to say i had an awesome time. Nene loved being able to wake around and look and touch everything. She was such a good girl and had a great time.

I had no idea that everything was going to be so hands on... Nene loved it! Funny thing is she wanted to touch it so bad that when she did her foot went in the water and the jumped back so fast. But wanted to go back for some more...
Im so glad we got to do all this has a family, this day made me so happy... To make a long story short, it took 4 and half hours to get there , we got in free and had the best time ever!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The picture packing break down!

Yesterday we pack everything thing on the walls up. Im talking maybe a 100 pictures frames, they were everywhere.
This is about half over them. It took over 4 boxes to pack all them up and there about 10-15 that didn't fit in boxes.

I started in the living, i was pretty excited about getting things moving and packing stuff. With the hubs, that is i didn't wanna do it all by myself. But the more pictures i took off the walls the sadder i got. The hubs went down the street to get news paper and little by little i could feel the tears coming on. I was looking at all the pictures as i was taking them off the walls, remembering all the great times. Soon as the hubs walked in the door i couldn't hold back anymore.... He looks at me and say whats wrong, i couldn't talk i just started balling. He's like whats a matter? I told him everything is more real when i have to take my pictures off the walls. i love seeing our pictures every day and i was not happy taking them down. i cried a good 15Min's and the hubs just hugged me. Of course you know i had to tell him how unfair it was that he was going again and that i was going to miss him so much.

The past couple weeks i been watch him with the girls and how they love him so much. Thinking about him leaving again breaks my heart when i think about the girls wanting him and him not being there.

I'm sure i'll have alot more sad days of packing and getting stuff ready for my husband to leave once again for a another year.

But know this i will keep my head high for me and my girls.

Monday, September 7, 2009

New Project....

OK so today im going to share my next project, this is just sneak peek. I won some Chore stamps on ebay and im sure you can see where im going with this. Today im just going to show you guys the stamps. When i put it all together i'll show you how i did our chart.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Damn it the boxes wont fit!

Yesterday we headed to Samsclub on the hunt for boxes. We get to Sam's and get a cart and go inside. When we get inside were looking for a "box kit" they had them like 5month ago (ha ha). Well they didn't have anymore "Box kits" but they did have lot of other box of different sizes. We found the size we wanted and i had to go out and get a flat bed Cart to put them on. Not even thinking as we load up that we had took my sisters car trying to save gas. So soon as my husband starts putting them on the cart i hear " oh shit". I was like what, whats wrong??? He's like damn it we have your sister car!!! My sister car is a Honda civic, that we already have 2 car seats in the back seat and my sister left a bunch of crap in the trunk. Well the hubs say we are not coming all the way back up here (Sam's is like an hour away from us) I'll make it work. Leave it to a guy to think he can fix or fit anything in anywhere. I have to say i was really surprised to see he got them in there, with the help from a rope he found it the trunk (thanks for that one sister). So long story short the boxes and us made it home in one piece.

So today what do you suppose i should of been doing? That's right packing and did i? NO..... I had 2 crazy kids keep me going all day. And I was taking the hubs food and movies too (CQ duty) and well i just plan tired now.

Boxes- check
Bubble rap- check

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Slowly getting things done.

Yesterday we went got the storage, had to get it 3 months early. We live in a little army town and they were going fast. So we have to pay and nothing is in there and wont be for another 2months. There goes 450 bucks we could of used on something else. Ill just be thankful that we even got a storage and the kind we wanted and the place we wanted. We also order the hitch for the the truck and the wiring, husband did some searching and found both for a great price. 2 things down one million to go.

Next in order get some boxes to start packing stuff I'm not using....
I feel like i have a check list a mile long... One day at a time!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

What is a military wife?

They may look different and each is wonderfully unique, but this what they have in common.

Lots of moving---
Moving far from home.
Moving two cars and two dogs----all riding with HER of course.
Moving sofas to basements because they won't go in THIS house.
Moving curtains that won't fit.
Moving jobs and certifications and professional development hours.
Moving away from friends, moving toward new friends.
Moving her most important luggage; her trunkful of memories.

Often waiting-
Waiting, waiting, waiting for housing;
waiting for orders;
waiting for deployment;
waiting for reunion;
waiting for phones calls;
waiting for the new curtains to arrive;
waiting for him to come home for dinner----AGAIN!

They call her 'military dependent', but she knows better.
She can balance a checkbook.
Handle the yard work.
Fix a noisy toilet.
She is intimately familiar with drywall, anchors, and toggle bolts.
She can file the taxes, sell a house, buy a car, or set up a move, -- all with ONE Power of Attorney.
She welcomes neighbors that don't welcome her.
Reinvents her career with every PCS; locates a house in the desert, the arctic, or the deep south and learns to call them all 'home'.
She MAKES them all home.
She is fiercely IN-dependent.

Military Wives are somewhat hasty.
They leap into decorating, leadership, volunteering, career alternatives, and friendships.
They don't have 15 years to get to know people.
Their roots are short but flexible.
They plant annuals for themselves and perennials for those who come after them.
Military Wives quickly learn to value each other.
They connect over coffee, rely on the spouse-network and accept offers of friendship and favors and record addresses in pencil.

Military Wives have a common bond.
The Military Wife has a husband unlike other husbands.
His commitment is unique.
He doesn't have a job, he has a 'mission'
he can't just decide to quit
he's on-call for his country 24/7
but for you, he's the most unreliable guy in town!

His language is foreign:
And so, a Military Wife is a translator for her family and his.
She is the long-distance link to keep them informed the glue that holds them together.

Military Wife has her moments----
She wants to wring his neck,
dye his uniform pink,
and refuse to move to Siberia.
But she pulls herself together.

Give her a few days,
a travel brochure,
a long hot bath,
a pledge to the flag,
and a wedding picture.

And she goes.
She packs.
She moves.
She follows.

What for?
How come?

You may think it is because she has lost her mind.
But actually it is because she has lost her heart.
It was stolen from her by a man who puts duty first.
Who salutes the flag.
And whose boots in the doorway remind her that as long as he is her Military husband,

she will remain his Military wife.

deployment starts in t-minus 109 days

We have so many many things that need to be taking care of, from POA to address changes etc. I'm moving back home this time around, thank god. I stayed around last time and and lets just say not to many people stayed back with me. I wanna be home with my family and friends. The grand parents would love to see the girls and do stuff with them too. Its going to be really great to have the support this time around. The thing now is we have to pack up the whole house and put it in storage, witch don't sound like to much fun if you ask me. Were going to be have a large yard sale before we leave, we'd like to down size some. Just have to fig er out how to squeeze that in with Shaun going to training for the whole month of Oct. My sister coming to visit in Oct so i thought maybe we could do it then, but who knows. When he gets back from training we will have till the 20Th of Nov to get out of this house and leave starts 23rd. We will embark on the 36hour drive once again, but with 2 kids this time ( oh joy). So we have 80days to take care of lots and lots of stuff. When ever thing gets closer i will be able to explain everything has it happens, before we once again we do another deployment......